Miss youuuu.
heyy peeps.
aku rindu ex aku lah weyyyyyyy. siyes rindu gile doo. apa khabar dia skg kan? teringin nk text dia, and tanya khabar dia. But, aku tak berani lah. Hurmm, nmpk mcm aku terkejar-2 sgt dia tu. Sedangkan dia tak pernah nk tegur aku and so on. Aku rindu nk dgr suara dia, gelak dia. rindu nk betting-2 football match :'( , hurmmmm. I reallyyyyyy-2 miss you capital F. Well, apa nk buat. Maybe, dia bukan jodoh aku. Aku betul-2 hope, one day aku akn jumpa kau. hopefully, termakbul lah doa aku tu. amiiiiiin. Hurmmmmm, kbai.
P/S: I miss you capital F </3
You like them wolf? Heh. Im Ash, your typical type of asian teenage girl. I've been rejected all my life since I don't know when. My height is 146, yep Im pretty short and I weigh about 39kg. Im 16. My fav and meaningful quote is Don't let your happiness depend on something you may lose. I tend to eat alot when Im depressed. My special abilities is procrastinating, Im sure you all do to :p. I listen to all types of songs, even k-pop. But, I mainly listen to these type of people ;Paramore, Marina and the Diamonds, Daughter, Lorde and,Zee Avi. They are awesome. Im not girly and Im also not guy-ish lol. I like wearing sneakers, they're comfy not like ze heels. I like wearing clothes fashionably but unfortunately I don't know how. I love, love, love photography so much. Im a noob when it comes to taking picture *tsk, but im still learning. I hate people who judged me by the way I look, talk, dress. It bugs me really bad.
About The Blog
Miss youuuu.
heyy peeps.
aku rindu ex aku lah weyyyyyyy. siyes rindu gile doo. apa khabar dia skg kan? teringin nk text dia, and tanya khabar dia. But, aku tak berani lah. Hurmm, nmpk mcm aku terkejar-2 sgt dia tu. Sedangkan dia tak pernah nk tegur aku and so on. Aku rindu nk dgr suara dia, gelak dia. rindu nk betting-2 football match :'( , hurmmmm. I reallyyyyyy-2 miss you capital F. Well, apa nk buat. Maybe, dia bukan jodoh aku. Aku betul-2 hope, one day aku akn jumpa kau. hopefully, termakbul lah doa aku tu. amiiiiiin. Hurmmmmm, kbai.
P/S: I miss you capital F </3