20 Days Beast Challenges.
Yoseob sangat omey! *pengsan*
Hai! Aku nak buat challenge hari ni. 20 Days Beast Challenge! Aku jumpa ini challenge dri blog Muaz Adli. Hanya dengan cara ini sahaja aku boleh update blog. Sebab aku tak tahu nak update pasal apa :3 but aku happy coz dpt buat challenge ni. Hihihi.
Here goes the list:
Day 1 : Your bias and why. Day 2: My favorite song. Day 3: Your favorite cover of theirs. Day 4: The one that you want to be best friends with. Day 5: The one that you would want to shop with. Day 6: The one that you would want to party with. Day 7: The one that you would want to gag jokes. Day 8: Your favorite couple. Day 9: Your favorite music video. Day10: My favorite dance Day 11: Your favorite performance. Day 12: Your favorite behind the scenes/show cut. Day 13: Your favorite picture. Day 14: Your favorite picture of your bias. Day 15: The one that you idolize. Day 16: The one with best aegyo. Day 17: The one with best style Day 19: The one with best dance skills. Day 20: A special note to them PS: If korang nak buat, buat lah:)