Contest Cute Picture By StoryOfHeartt
Kalau nak join boleh tekan banner di atas :)
Heyyo, joining this contest for fun. But I really hope I could win this ;'>
The Rule's;
- Buat satu entry and letak 1 gambar cute korang dalam entry tu. xkesah korang nak edit he ape ke,ikut kreativiti korang, yg penting comel ^__^
- Tag entry korang buat tu dengan comment di entry contest ni. (
- Mesti follow blog. ( )
- Click sini. (wajib) - biar loading sampai habis dulu ok!
- Click sini. (wajib) - biar loading sampai habis dulu ok!
- Click sini. (wajib) - biar loading sampai habis dulu ok!
- Click sini. (wajib) - biar loading sampai habis dulu ok!
- Click sini. (wajib) - biar loading sampai habis dulu ok!
- Click sini. (wajib) - biar loading sampai habis dulu ok!
- Click sini. (wajib) - biar loading sampai habis dulu ok!
- Tag dekat 2 orang kawan anda. Pastikan dorang joinnn !
The Winner's of this contest will receive;
- First place : RM60 + (hadiah misteri)
- Second place : RM40 + (hadiah misteri)
- Third place : RM10 + (hadiah misteri)
This contest will end when the number of participant reach 200.
So my cute picture iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis ;
A CAT. Lol, I think Im the only one who post the picture of a cat. Ghahahha, What the hell ;D
You like them wolf? Heh. Im Ash, your typical type of asian teenage girl. I've been rejected all my life since I don't know when. My height is 146, yep Im pretty short and I weigh about 39kg. Im 16. My fav and meaningful quote is Don't let your happiness depend on something you may lose. I tend to eat alot when Im depressed. My special abilities is procrastinating, Im sure you all do to :p. I listen to all types of songs, even k-pop. But, I mainly listen to these type of people ;Paramore, Marina and the Diamonds, Daughter, Lorde and,Zee Avi. They are awesome. Im not girly and Im also not guy-ish lol. I like wearing sneakers, they're comfy not like ze heels. I like wearing clothes fashionably but unfortunately I don't know how. I love, love, love photography so much. Im a noob when it comes to taking picture *tsk, but im still learning. I hate people who judged me by the way I look, talk, dress. It bugs me really bad.
About The Blog

Contest Cute Picture By StoryOfHeartt
Kalau nak join boleh tekan banner di atas :)
Heyyo, joining this contest for fun. But I really hope I could win this ;'>
The Rule's;
- Buat satu entry and letak 1 gambar cute korang dalam entry tu. xkesah korang nak edit he ape ke,ikut kreativiti korang, yg penting comel ^__^
- Tag entry korang buat tu dengan comment di entry contest ni. (
- Mesti follow blog. ( )
- Click sini. (wajib) - biar loading sampai habis dulu ok!
- Click sini. (wajib) - biar loading sampai habis dulu ok!
- Click sini. (wajib) - biar loading sampai habis dulu ok!
- Click sini. (wajib) - biar loading sampai habis dulu ok!
- Click sini. (wajib) - biar loading sampai habis dulu ok!
- Click sini. (wajib) - biar loading sampai habis dulu ok!
- Click sini. (wajib) - biar loading sampai habis dulu ok!
- Tag dekat 2 orang kawan anda. Pastikan dorang joinnn !
The Winner's of this contest will receive;
- First place : RM60 + (hadiah misteri)
- Second place : RM40 + (hadiah misteri)
- Third place : RM10 + (hadiah misteri)
This contest will end when the number of participant reach 200.
So my cute picture iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis ;
A CAT. Lol, I think Im the only one who post the picture of a cat. Ghahahha, What the hell ;D