Eating Disorder.
It's mouth-watering I know T^T. Lately, I have been eating a looooooot. Yesterday, I have been eating four times!, This is all mom's fault! Lol. She make the most spicy and delicious sambal belacan! Ughh, and because of that, I eat sambal belacan plus 1 plate rice. And I eat it, three times. I thought im going to stop eating already. But then later that night, mom told me to make her benjo! which is explain the picture above. Benjo, is actually a 'telur mata kerbau' egg. Lol, I donno the english word for that. But you eat it like a burger. Super yummy and fattening, hahaha. I really have to stop eating too much, especially at night. Because its not a good habit eating so late at night, and I could really get fat because of it. I really need to stooooooooooop. Kbye -,-
Ps; I have to loose some weight, literally.
You like them wolf? Heh. Im Ash, your typical type of asian teenage girl. I've been rejected all my life since I don't know when. My height is 146, yep Im pretty short and I weigh about 39kg. Im 16. My fav and meaningful quote is Don't let your happiness depend on something you may lose. I tend to eat alot when Im depressed. My special abilities is procrastinating, Im sure you all do to :p. I listen to all types of songs, even k-pop. But, I mainly listen to these type of people ;Paramore, Marina and the Diamonds, Daughter, Lorde and,Zee Avi. They are awesome. Im not girly and Im also not guy-ish lol. I like wearing sneakers, they're comfy not like ze heels. I like wearing clothes fashionably but unfortunately I don't know how. I love, love, love photography so much. Im a noob when it comes to taking picture *tsk, but im still learning. I hate people who judged me by the way I look, talk, dress. It bugs me really bad.
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Eating Disorder.
It's mouth-watering I know T^T. Lately, I have been eating a looooooot. Yesterday, I have been eating four times!, This is all mom's fault! Lol. She make the most spicy and delicious sambal belacan! Ughh, and because of that, I eat sambal belacan plus 1 plate rice. And I eat it, three times. I thought im going to stop eating already. But then later that night, mom told me to make her benjo! which is explain the picture above. Benjo, is actually a 'telur mata kerbau' egg. Lol, I donno the english word for that. But you eat it like a burger. Super yummy and fattening, hahaha. I really have to stop eating too much, especially at night. Because its not a good habit eating so late at night, and I could really get fat because of it. I really need to stooooooooooop. Kbye -,-
Ps; I have to loose some weight, literally.