My Ex
Hai everybody. Long time no blog eh? Im eating pengat pisang right now and it is gooooooood. yum!
I kinda have time right now so I'll just tell you guys what's been happening in March. So, yeah. I have been cheated by someone that I trust which is my ex-boyfriend. So, if you don't want to "hear" or read my rant about my ex, you can click the x button.
It all started when he have to go to PLKN/malaysianknowsthis/ . Everybody who have to go to PLKN have to stay there for three month. So, yes. I waited for him for three months. YES, that whole lifeless THREE MONTHS and he did'nt even called or text me. My woman instinct about him cheating was right when I open my Facebook to check on his Facebook account because when I tried to search his name it was'nt there, none, nothing. It turned out that he blocked me! And when I tried search his name using my friends account, fortunately, it worked. And I get to see all his photo with his new girlfriend. Fuck him. I did'nt even know that he was back for three days for the holiday.
I trusted him. I thought he was loyal to me, but he did'nt. He is a really, really nice guy and I did not think he would do this to me. After the three months end, he got back here, but did not text and call me or even saying that he want a break up till now. Stupidity, that is. Or even, a coward. I felt really bad and stupid. I just wish that I could tell him that he is the most stupid fucking guy. But I don't have the guts. We have been together for three year's. If it was only three or four months, I guess thats fine. Maybe.
It feels really good to let all the heartache out. At least, less suffering ;) till then, thanks for reading my stupidity, ranting about ex-es. Hope you guys would'nt mind.
You like them wolf? Heh. Im Ash, your typical type of asian teenage girl. I've been rejected all my life since I don't know when. My height is 146, yep Im pretty short and I weigh about 39kg. Im 16. My fav and meaningful quote is Don't let your happiness depend on something you may lose. I tend to eat alot when Im depressed. My special abilities is procrastinating, Im sure you all do to :p. I listen to all types of songs, even k-pop. But, I mainly listen to these type of people ;Paramore, Marina and the Diamonds, Daughter, Lorde and,Zee Avi. They are awesome. Im not girly and Im also not guy-ish lol. I like wearing sneakers, they're comfy not like ze heels. I like wearing clothes fashionably but unfortunately I don't know how. I love, love, love photography so much. Im a noob when it comes to taking picture *tsk, but im still learning. I hate people who judged me by the way I look, talk, dress. It bugs me really bad.
About The Blog
My Ex
Hai everybody. Long time no blog eh? Im eating pengat pisang right now and it is gooooooood. yum!
I kinda have time right now so I'll just tell you guys what's been happening in March. So, yeah. I have been cheated by someone that I trust which is my ex-boyfriend. So, if you don't want to "hear" or read my rant about my ex, you can click the x button.
It all started when he have to go to PLKN/malaysianknowsthis/ . Everybody who have to go to PLKN have to stay there for three month. So, yes. I waited for him for three months. YES, that whole lifeless THREE MONTHS and he did'nt even called or text me. My woman instinct about him cheating was right when I open my Facebook to check on his Facebook account because when I tried to search his name it was'nt there, none, nothing. It turned out that he blocked me! And when I tried search his name using my friends account, fortunately, it worked. And I get to see all his photo with his new girlfriend. Fuck him. I did'nt even know that he was back for three days for the holiday.
I trusted him. I thought he was loyal to me, but he did'nt. He is a really, really nice guy and I did not think he would do this to me. After the three months end, he got back here, but did not text and call me or even saying that he want a break up till now. Stupidity, that is. Or even, a coward. I felt really bad and stupid. I just wish that I could tell him that he is the most stupid fucking guy. But I don't have the guts. We have been together for three year's. If it was only three or four months, I guess thats fine. Maybe.
It feels really good to let all the heartache out. At least, less suffering ;) till then, thanks for reading my stupidity, ranting about ex-es. Hope you guys would'nt mind.